Parish Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, except for August. If a public holiday occurs on the alloted day then the meeting is held over until the following Tuesday.
The meetings start at immediately after the Planning Committee meetings and are held in the Council Chamber in the Memorial Hall. They are open to the public and time is allocated for questions.
Planning Committee meetings take place before the Parish Council meeting and start at 6:45pm. An interim meeting is held two weeks after the Parish Council meeting starting at the same time. In August these meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday. Questions can be asked at the Chairman’s discretion.
Other meetings of the various sub-committees and working groups take place at regular intervals, details of which can be found on the “Notice Board” page on this website. Where applicable, agenda can be downloaded from the same place.
Public participation in Parish Council business is essential to maintain contact with the Parish. Please attend meetings if you wish to ask a question or put a matter before the Council.