Latest News
Town and Parish Council Elections Update
TOWN AND PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS - UPDATE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES, ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL 'We have now received formal written confirmation from central government that there will be no postponement of the Town, Parish and Community Councils. The...
Half term activities at Island Museums
There will be plenty of opportunity for family activities at two Island museums during February half-term. Visitors to the Museum of Island History will be invited to create and curate their own paper pop-up museum, featuring some of the museum’s collection of...
Southern Water Consultation – Isle of Wight Recycling Plant
Southern Water have opened their public consultation regarding the building of a recycling plant on the Isle of Wight. There are three public drop in sessions available: 31 January, 3pm – 7.30pm - Broadway Centre, Sandown 1 February, 10.30am – 1.30pm - Broadway...
Vacancy for part time Clerk
Freshwater Parish Council are looking to recruit a Clerk/RFO. This will be part-time role with salary, hours and responsibilities to be agreed. The Council will also consider separating the two roles depending on applicants. If you are interested and would like an...
Fort Victoria Planning Appeal Dismissed
Planning Ref: 22/00634/FULL Appeal Ref: APP/P2114/W/24/3346806 Land at and adjoining Fort Victoria Pier, Westhill Lane, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, PO41 0NA Decision 1. The appeal is dismissed. For further information you can read the full Appeal Decision here.
Update from IWC re: Christmas Waste Collection
The festive period is almost upon us, and we’ve got you covered on all things recycling and waste. Recycling, waste and garden subscription collections are changing for two weeks over Christmas and the New Year period. Usually collected Will be collected on Monday 23...
Island Road Update – Road Closure, Colwell Chine.
Small Business Saturday – 7th December 2024
This year the Isle of Wight Council is supporting Small Business Saturday by allowing free parking in long stay car parks between 12 noon and 6pm. For Freshwater Parish this will include Avenue Road, Moa Place and Freshwater Bay Car Parks.