Neighbourhood Plan


Freshwater Neighbourhood Plan is now in force. Following the positive result in the referendum, the Isle of Wight Council ‘made’ (brought into force) the Freshwater Neighbourhood Development Plan as part of the Isle of Wight Council’s development plan on 12 March 2018.

The ‘made’ Freshwater Neighbourhood Development Plan can be viewed by clicking here

A referendum asking ‘Do you want Isle of Wight Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Freshwater Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’ was held in the parish of Freshwater, on 8 March 2018.
The result of the referendum was:
Yes – 707 (91.11%)
No – 65 (8.38%)
The turnout was 16.23%

Hard copies of the documentation are available for inspection at the Parish Office.  The Parish Office to open 10am to 12noon Mondays to Fridays (excluding Bank Holidays).

Click here for a summary of the plan listing key points and information.

Key issues are:

The Built Environment
Rural Landscape
Community Provision
Tourism and Leisure
Renewable Energy

Historic information

The Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission Consultation ran from the 4th May 2016 to 14th June 2016. A further consultation was arranged by the Isle of Wight Council and this ran from 13th January 2017 to 27th February 2017. The Plan was modified slightly to take into account the feedback from the Freshwater Community. There was a consultation on the updated environmental assessments which ran from 22nd September to 6th November 2017. Following the consultations the Plan was submitted to the Isle of Wight Council and it then underwent a scrutiny by an independent examiner.


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